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Boot98se Zip

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by taihoransdes1970 2020. 3. 1. 12:05


Winrar -compressionpfirefox -browserpgaim -messengerfoxitreader -pdfopenoffice -officewackget -downloaderfilezilla -downloadererase -deletionDSL -50 mb linux distromac-on-stick -mac os on drive (still trying to get this to work)and standard encyption software that came with itlooking for some more so plz people post suggestionsby the way i see you got a lot of file compressors there, what is better winrar(which i use now) 7-zip or 100zip or infozip? Do those others allow password protection? Oh well I have lots of programs on it.I even have java installed on it.Java based:JRE 1.5FreemindRSSOwlHSQLDBEclipseDataStudioLDSP BrowserNon Java:FoxitReaderDev CJVCS (programs and data)DBDesigner4SQLYogTrueCript (a must)PhotophiltreJPeggercPictureVideolanPurrint!!Gimp-2FreeCommander (another must)Win32PadCygnus (hex editor)CSVEdFileSync7-zipSyncBackSkypeTeamspeak (client)DeepBurnerOpenOfficeEssentialPimNeoMem (interesting program)FirefoxMiranda32ScribeFileZillaXNewsFreeDownloaderKFWSMon (web server, great)and many many many other little utilities. Thank you for your post. I am new to portable apps and as a teacher am just beginning to discover its potential in my work. I often use several machines and thus a USB with settings on is a godsend. So far it's just NVU and OpenOffice.I noticed you have FreeMind on yours - but when i tried to install it it didn't claim to be USB portable.

Assuming you have no problems i'd be grateful if you could explain why.I'm just building a website and using eMindMaps. I would like to try FreeMind but am unsure about its portability.thanks.

Here's my list. Where to begin.

Here is a list of my ever-changing drive. I have never heard of that. Putting files on it shouldnt mess up your drive, think of it as being a portable hard drive, when you write to your hard drive you dont really kill it.to tell you a comparison i have a 512 mb drive which is almost all full and i have been putting things on and off of it a lot and it is still same size as it was 3 months ago (of cource when you format the drive you would have a little less than 512, or whatever your size is, but not significantly or pernamently. If you were to 'unformat' and delete everything etc.

Till it was back to factory setting it would be the original size).i wouldnt expect to see any change in the drive quality unless you write at least 1 thousand times, i am not a professional but i think it is safe, why have a drive if you wont use it? Here is a list of whats on my Pretec Tiny 1 GB. I figured the list was a little too long for a post within the forum, so to save on space here's the list in html:The only non programs in there are the registry entries for those that require them, the GMail file system install for people that want it, and screensavers for those that want the same.


Not everything is completely portable, but thats what uninstall entries are for. Makes about 731 MB Programs folder alone, but it seems that my USB is more of a tool than a data transfer device. Been playing around with a lot of apps to see what I can carry around with me. UPDATED ON 3/18/06.decided to go with OpenOffice instead of AbiWord (nothing wrong with AbiWord, but just needed the other apps in OpenOffice.would keep both if I had a 1 GB drive), and deleted Spread32 and PowerPoint viewer. Added some other stuff.On my 512 MB SanDisk USB drive, I have the following:'OFFICE'Portable OpenOffice(minus its help files, sound files, templates, and non-English dictionaries, and the 'Python-Core' directory (John H.


Lads,currently I am wroking (trainee) at a local ngo in nature and landscaping.I have my usb 521Mo with me all the time cause I do not have a real workplace here, so have to lend ones pc ones in wile.My tick contains besides my doc'sPortable Ooffice,P Thunderbird, (mail mail mail!!)P FFPstartP Abiword,P Gaim,Datarecovery,Foxit reader,Stinger,Slap,Netss,Ipnetinfo,The most used apps are FF, Thunderbird, Oo.o for all my office tasks. And since there isn't a portable variant off ArcGis so I have to use that app from the server.Most is taken by my Doc's and Oo.o. I.LOVE.

This portable Hardrive. No need for a power outlet. It's powered by the USB port.

My old ones need power. Plus the small form factor (Smaller than a paperback book.) Great for School and my Backpack. Picked it up about 4 Months ago.


Saw the thread for them here, too, and smiled at that.Anyways, it's easier to post screenies of my P-Start, because there are THAT MANY. And it doesnt even list everything I use. @@Number 1:Number 2:Plus Several TV Rips (I love my tuner card, how did I live without it?)And 10GB of MP3s. I ripped EVERY ONE of my cd's (plus some stuff from friend on the sly.)Plus a bunch of documents and programming projects from classes.Yeah, it gets some use.And I'm happy it does. I don't know how I survived before I found the old sites John hosted PFF & PTB from. Nor do I know how I survived with a dinky 1 GB FlashDrive.

Boot98se Zip Line

This is a mostly complete list. I have a 1GB bootable USB drive with over 100 BIOS's (cause of work), a bunch of dos apps and windows apps. I use PCMS for a menu system in DOS and PStart for a menu system in Windows. Am enjoying reading everyone's lists of their favorite applications. Gives me some new ideas of what to try. Thought I'd share what I usually take with me to work. About 340-350 MB of space used for these.used UPX on all of these, incl.

Boot98se.zip Free Download


I use this HDD to carry data between my home and my office computers.