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Saving A Drawing

카테고리 없음

by taihoransdes1970 2020. 2. 9. 19:46


In ‘MediBang Paint’, you can either choose ‘Local’ or ‘Cloud’ as the saving location for your canvas. Local meaning that you save your artwork to your computer’s hard drive. Cloud meaning that you save your artwork to the ‘MediBang Paint’ Server. Drawings saved in the server can be opened from other computers too as long as you’re logged in to your MediBang account.


In this video, instructor Shaun Bryant explains how to save your publish settings to the DSD file and then how to open the saved DSD file.

1When saving to Local, go to ‘File’ on the menu and select ‘Save’. If you would like to save a new file or save and overwrite another saved file, select ‘Save’. Select ‘Save As’ if you would like to change the name and/or file format of your canvas that has been already been saved. After the ‘Save Image’ window opens, you can type a file name and select the file format you wish to save the file as, and then click on the ‘Save’ button to save.

  • The process for saving a drawing file is identical to saving a 3D scene file, except that the file extension assigned to a drawing file is.icd. If a saved drawing file.
  • With drawing open click save-as, type in your new name before you hit ok click the reference box. In this box type in your new part name (in my case i keep the part and drawing same name ie: xxxxx.sldprt, xxxxx.slddrw), once you type in the part name hit enter turn the part name green in color.

‘MediBang Paint’ supports the below file formats. 保存形式 内容 MediBang Paint(.mdp) Layers can be saved in this format. This is MediBang Paint’s native file format. Icons will appear as CloudAlpaca icons PNG (.png) This format is for web use.

You can save files with transparent backgrounds. JPEG (.jpg) This format is also for web use. Bitmap (.bmp) This format is supported by Windows PSD (.psd) This the native file format for Adobe Photoshop.

Layer information can be saved in this format. ※ If you would like to print out a transparent PNG, please select ‘png’ as the file format, and click on ‘Save’. A transparent PNG is the file format that saves and keeps undrawn part of the transparent as it is. This is useful when handling background material. If you click on ‘Save’, a dialogue box will appear and you can choose a file format. Transparent PNG files have transparent backgrounds, and 24-bit PNG files have white backgrounds. 2When saving to Cloud, go to ‘File’ on the menu and then select ‘Save to Cloud’.

Once the dialogues box opens, you need to select a ‘Team’ name from the dropdown menu and a file name, and then click ‘OK’.

Hello every one, i have a drawing say(1238z-136.drw) and model called in drawing with same name (1238z-136.prt), and now I am saving a copy of drawing file with different name (1238z-136ea) but model called in this drawing will remain same (1238z-136.prt), now when i am changing tolerance in (1238z-136ea) it automatically reflect in main drawing (1238z-136.drw). I do not want this. I want these two draing files to be interdependent of each other. So that i can make change in tolerance values accordingly. Thanks in advance.

Hi, option no.1. copy 1238z-136.drw and 1238z-136.prt into empty directory (say C: xxx).

erase Creo session memory. change working directory C: xxx.

open 1238z-136.drw and 1238z-136.prt. rename 1238z-136.drw and 1238z-136.prt.

save both files. copy rename files to right directory option no.2. I assume that 1238z-136.drw and 1238z-136.prt are located in same directory (say C: yyy).

Saving A Drowning Victim

set config.pro option. Renamedrawingswithobject both see. erase Creo session memory. change working directory C: yyy. open 1238z-136.prt.

make a copy of part using Save As command. It will copy drawing, too MH. Sir I have this drawing and model in my drawing file.

1248tz-1360000.drw uses drawing model 1248tz-1360000.asm now i want new drawing as it is but the drawing name will change (it will use same model, nothing change in model). 1248tz-136EA00.drw uses drawing model 1248tz-1360000.asm now what happening is, suppose i change any tolerance dimension of 1248tz-1360000.drw it will automatically reflects in 1248tz-136EA00.drw, i want both of them to be independent of each other so that when i make any changes in any drawing other should not be effected.